Monday, July 6, 2015

Project Life 2015 Week 14

I had a rainbow of colors in the photos for week 14, so black and white Project Life cards
were perfect. Heck, they are ALWAYS perfect in my book! Love black and white!

"Bliss" Card from Studio Calico Carolina Moon (May PL kit), woodgrain card from Studio Calico Cirque PL Kit (Feb 2015) , and all the rest of the cards are from Artful Leigh Creative on Etsy. The font on the photos is from the Rhonna Farrer app, Rhonna Designs available in the app store. 

 The copper stars came in the Studio Calico May PL kit Carolina Moon,  and I absolutely love how they bring out the copper color in the pet painting I did, and the Brioche burger bun...
You can enhance and emphasize the colors in your photos by choosing embellishments mindfully and being aware of their color. Repetition is a design principle that helps unify the pages in your albums.

 close up of chipboard copper stars

Thank you for visiting today!!
Artful Leigh Creative

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